What Happened to The Widow’s Might?
In 2018, we went to register our ministry in Mozambique and finally had to come to terms, The Widow’s Might didn’t translate well into either Portuguese (national language) or Emakewa (local tribal language). We had also run into a few issues over the years in the US, apparently there are quite a few groups with similar names (A Widow’s Might, The Widows Mite etc.) and this caused some of our supports confusion.
We decided that we wanted a unique name that would empower our village and make them comfortable. Kihavo (key-hav-O) is an Emakewa word meaning, “Hi, how are you?” Since the Macarrao’s arrived in Muxara in 2014, Nunu was known for the zest in which he responded to this question, earning him the nickname, Mohavo (moe-hav-O; meaning I’m well). We love the simplicity of this word, knowing it’s in our villages mother tongue and seeing people’s faces light up when they hear…