Some houses after the storm.
Walking down our street, towards Kihavo just after the storm had passed.
Cyclone Chido has been called the worst Cyclone to hit our area in recorded history. Cyclone Chido rains and winds started around 1 a.m. on Sunday December 15th, the eye of the storm arrived just before 6 a.m. with a vengeance. Still laying in bed, our family heard a large boom, the kids jumped in my arms and we ran to the center of our house away from windows and it was the most scared I’ve ever been. A huge tree landed on our roof, I didn’t realize it in the moment but that tree held more than half of our roof in place. The rest of the roof started lifting away. The storm knocked down almost all of our block fence and also peeled off the roof of both our tutoring classroom and sewing studio. We can’t live in the house w current condition and are in a hotel for the short-term.
As you can imagine, our neighbors whose dwellings were stick and mud lost entire walls and in some cases the houses were wiped out. They quickly moved what little they could salvage to family or friends homes, essentially leaving them homeless. Somehow, our outdoor classroom survived the cyclone, and people are living in it just to have a roof over their heads. The power is out, and it’s estimated that it will take 2 weeks to restore.